Principal Investigators

The following Principal Investigators are associated with the Graduate School and support our doctoral researchers:

Name University Institute Field
Prof. Dr. Albert Albers KIT IPEK Product Engineering, Synthesis and Validation of New Technical Systems
Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos UPB CS Human-Centered IT Security
Prof. Dr. Tamim Asfour KIT IAR High Performance Humanoid Technologies
PD Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Baumgart KIT FZI Cybersecurity and Law
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckert KIT KASTEL Application-Oriented Formal Verification
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyerer KIT IAR Interactive Real-Time Systems
Prof. Dr. Franziska Boehm KIT IIWR Immaterialgüterrechte in verteilten Informationsinfrastrukturen
Prof. Dr. Carsten Dachsbacher KIT IVD Visualization of Security Data
Prof. Dr. Frank Gauterin KIT FAST Automotive Engineering
Prof. Dr. Veit Hagenmeyer KIT IAI Automation and Applied Informatics
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neumann KIT ALR Autonomous Learning Robots
Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade KIT KASTEL Cryptography
Prof. Dr. Ina Schaefer KIT KASTEL Automotive Security
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe KIT KASTEL Security and Privacy
Prof. Dr. Mehdi Tahoori KIT ITEC Dependable Nano Computing
Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer KIT AIFB Usable Security and Security Awareness
TT.-Prof. Dr. Christian Wressnegger KIT KASTEL Machine Learning for Security / Security of Machine Learning
Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart KIT TM Telematics