KASTEL Distinguished Lecture Series
In cooperation with KASTEL Security Research Labs, the Graduate School is organizing the KASTEL Distinguished Lecture Series in Cyber Security. Three times a year, we invite outstanding national and international speakers who provide insight into their cutting-edge research.
The topics covered in the talks will be manifold, spanning the breadth of all disciplines and research domains involved in cyber security research at KIT. Additionally, the Lecture Series is designed to
appeal to the interests of a diverse audience,
advocate for interdisciplinary research, and
strike a balance between academic and industry perspectives.
Upcoming Talk
- Andreas Zeller
"Personalized Fuzzing"
A calendar with all talks is available here. If you want to be informed about current and future talks, subscribe to our mailing list.
Previous Talks
- Martin Kleppmann
"Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Software" (video) - Dennis Hofheinz
"A Personal Perspective on Cryptography" (video)
- Orla Lynskey
"Fake It 'Til You Make It?" The Legal Implications of Synthetic Data (video) - Lorenzo Cavallaro
Transcending Transcend: Revisiting Malware Classification in the Presence of Concept Drift (video) - Angela Sasse
Behavioural Science Meets Security: Why a Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing (video)
- Christopher Kruegel
Finding Vulnerabilities in Embedded Software (video) - Johannes Buchmann
Sustainable Cybersecurity and Privacy (video)