Training at the Graduate School
Guiding Principles
The KIT Graduate School Cyber Security gives members access to technical, scientific, and interdisciplinary training opportunities that meet the needs of our scientific community. While we strife to provide as many high-quality offers as possible, it is our foremost objective to ensure that our members are not overburdened with time-consuming obligations (of which they already have many). Our training concept, therefore, rests on the belief that
our members are capable of making their own informed decisions,
our members will choose freely from our offers,
membership is not tied to mandatory obligations.
CyberSec Certificate
Members of the Graduate School can acquire the CyberSec Certificate, serving as a proof of qualification for interdisciplinary research in cyber security at the doctoral level. The certificate will be awarded to doctoral reseachers who have taken part in the following courses:
Two presentations at the CyberSec Seminar
Participation at the CyberSec Retreat
Successful Apprenticeship (as part of our Communication Services)
Participation at one course of choice in the primary research field
Participation at two courses of choice in a secondary research field
Participation at two workshops of choice
To facilitate the control procedures, we have created a slip. Download it here in either German or English.
Element | Description |
Appraisal Interview | Once a year, doctoral researchers will discuss work performance and research progress with senior researchers of the Graduate School. Together, they will resolve problems, agree on individual long-term goals, and discuss support measures specific to the researcher's needs. |
CyberSec Get-Together | Once a month, the members of the Graduate School meet for a seminar and a common lunch. Three times a year, the Get-Together is concluded by the KASTEL Distinguished Lecture Series. |
CyberSec Retreat | Once a year, the Graduate School invites doctoral researchers to a two-day retreat. The retreat focuses on team-building and networking opportunities as well as on technical sessions. For the technical part, representatives of each Research Field present current results and discuss questions and challenges with their peers. |
Communication Services | Research communication is absolutely vital to every doctoral researcher's success! To support our members develop into skillful communicators, the Graduate School runs comprehensive, state-of-the-art communication services based on one-on-one support. |
Research Exchange | The Research Exchange is a planned six-week stay with one of the school's Principal Investigator. During this time, members of the Graduate School will receive first-hand insight into the working principles and methods of a secondary research domain. Prior to the exchange, the doctoral student defines a work package that will be worked on collaboratively. |
Research Tack Team | A Research Tack Team is a collaborative project between two (or more) doctoral researchers with different primary research fields. Together, they can apply for financial support and work on a small interdisciplinary research project. |
Status Meeting | At the end of every year, doctoral students meet with a Principal Investigator to discuss topics of their choosing. |
Stay Abroad | We actively encourage our researchers to realize a stay abroad during their time at the Graduate School. Travel costs can be covered by the KHYS Research Travel Grant. |
Workshops | The Graduate School will organize quarterly events specifically tailored towards the interests and requirements of the cyber security community. Additionally, doctoral researchers can choose from a wide range of educational offers for doctoral researchers provided by KHYS. |