Research in Cyber Security

The KIT Graduate School Cyber Security aims to provide its researchers with a  holistic view of IT security, enabling them to adress the entire security life-cycle: from design over deployment to repeated analysis during execution. To achieve this goal, we promote research beyond disciplinary boundaries, bringing together different domains with a focus on cyber security.


Research Fields

RF-1: Infrastructure Security Contact Person
Hardware Security M. Tahoori
Network Security and Distributed Systems M. Zitterbart




RF-2: Software Security Contact Person
Dependability B. Beckert
Security of Artificial Intelligence C. Wressnegger




RF-3: Data Security Contact Person
Cryptography J. Müller-Quade
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies T. Strufe



RF-4: Human & Societal Factors Contact Person
Usable Security, Security Awareness, Visualization M. Volkamer, C. Dachsbacher
Legal and Economic Aspects of Cyber Security F. Boehm


RF-5: Application Domains Contact Person
Energy Systems V. Hagenmeyer
Mobility  A. Albers, F. Gauterin
Production J. Beyerer
Robotics and Autonomous Systems T. Asfour